How To Clean A Pontoon

How To Clean A Pontoon

Those of you who are pontoon owners will already know how important regular maintenance work is if you want to keep your boat running as efficiently as possible.

One of the most important aspects of pontoon maintenance is some simple cleaning. There are so many different components however, that it can be difficult to know where to get started.

Don’t worry however, because that’s where we come in. Below, we’ve compiled a handy guide that will help you to keep your pontoon in tip top shape.

There are lots of handy tips and tricks that you can utilize, and you’re sure to marvel at just how great your pontoon looks afterward.

Apply some of the tips outlined below, and you’re guaranteed to increase the longevity of your pontoon tenfold. To find out more, simply keep reading below, as we take a closer look.

Make Sure You’re Conducting Regular Check Ups

Before we jump straight into the cleaning aspect of maintenance, we want to stress how important it is that you conduct regular check ups for your pontoon. This should be done at the beginning of every season.

The first port of call will be to check all of your upholstery. Unfortunately, these areas can be subject to damp, and therefore mold.

You’ll need to keep an eye on this so that you can treat it immediately. As well as this, sometimes rodents can get into the boat, and wreak havoc on the seats.

In addition to this, you’ll want to make sure that you inspect the boat itself to make sure that there aren’t any cracks.

If you notice any of the previously mentioned issues, then you’re going to need to take it to be professionally serviced to get it back to peak condition.

Cleaning The Different Components


How To Clean A Pontoon

One of the first things you can get started with in the cleaning process is the seats. You can do a deep cleaning session every once in a while, but we’d recommend doing a general wipe down more frequently.

You should aim to wipe down all of the upholstery after using it, and make sure that you tackle any marks immediately.

Pontoons are subject to accumulating bird poop on the interior, and these can be difficult to get off unless you wipe them immediately.

To clean the seats, simply use a sponge and some soapy water.

If you want an even better cleaning solution though, then we’d recommend that you mix a vinegar solution. This is known to be excellent at cleaning your pontoon.

All you need is a spray bottle, then mix together 50 percent vinegar and 50 percent water.

Spray this on the harsher stains on your upholstery, such as bird or spider poop. It does quite well at removing these stains.


The next part of the interior that needs to be cleaned is the carpet. In Order to clean the carpet, make sure that you’re using a leaf blower.

This will help to get rid of any big pieces of debris that have collected in the boat. In addition to this, we’d recommend purchasing a hand held cleaner, as this will help you to get into all of the difficult crevices.

You can also conduct a power wash on your carpet in order to make sure that it’s squeaky clean.


Another area of your boat that you’re going to need to take good care of is the helm. This can accumulate cracks, debris, and spots over time, all of which affect the appearance of your pontoon.

As a result, you’re going to need to make sure that you’re giving it a thorough wipe down after each use.

You can pretty much use any kind of bathroom cleaner for this purpose, as long as it gets rid of the milky appearance.

We have to emphasize, however, that it’s not a good idea to use any bleach on your helm. This substance is far too harsh for the job.

You can also use the vinegar solution that we mentioned earlier in order to clean the help, as it’s particularly good at removing water spots.

How To Prepare Your Boat For Winter

As well as cleaning the interior of your boat, there are a few things you can do in order to prepare it for the oncoming winter season.

Make sure that you’re always waxing and polishing the surfaces in order to give them a little bit of extra protection.

After you’ve done this, you should always make sure that you’re covering your boat with a suitable pontoon cover. This will help to protect it against any harsh weather conditions.

You should also seek to do this during the summer months, because it can help to protect your boat from sun rays.

If it’s possible, then we’d always recommend checking to see if there’s an indoor facility that you can store your boat in.

This will make sure that it’s protected against any unruly weather conditions, as well as general damage from surrounding objects.

Final Thoughts

To sum up, cleaning your pontoon is quite easy, and just requires some regular care and maintenance.

Make sure that you inspect it at the end of each summer season to make sure that there are no larger issues, such as rodents or leaks in the boat.

Make sure that you’re regularly cleaning the floors, upholstery, and helm to keep it in good condition.

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